Injustice 2 Free Trial Announced

Good news for the fighting games enthusiasts – Warner Bros. today announced an Injustice 2 free trial period. This means that players that have yet to buy the game, will get the chance to experience it in its entirety for a limited time.

The Injustice 2 free trial will run from December 14 through December 18, 2017. It will be available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Sadly, there is no word on a Steam free period as of yet.

During the trial, players will get the chance to play through Chapters 1 through 3 of the Story Mode. Also, all multiplayer and online modes will be free to access. Additionally, they can try out all the base characters in the game, except for Brainiac. Select few of the DLC characters will also be available.

What’s more, if you decide that you like the game, you will have the chance to buy it at a discount. The official release states that during the free trial period, Injustice 2 will be discounted “at participating retailers.” Whether this includes the Xbox and PlayStation stores is still unknown.

If online distribution platforms are not included, players will have to purchase a physical copy of the game. We doubt anyone will have a problem with that, but it would still be an odd decision by Warner Bros.

In the meantime, as we wait for the Injustice 2 free trial, take a look at its official trailer below.

Will you be downloading Injustice 2 to take it for a free spin? Make sure to let us know in the comments.

Damyan Momchev

Damyan "dastmo" Momchev is the Editor-in-chief at Gaming Adept. He is also a writer, bassist, web programmer, game developer, and display ads guru. But before he was all of those things, he was a gamer. His two passions will always be video games and writing.

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