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Guacamelee! 2 Release Date for PC and PS4 Revealed
We now have a Guacamelee! 2 Release Date and, honestly, we couldn’t be excited any more than that. Coming to PC and PS4 this August.

10 Things Wrong With Persona 5
One of the best entries in the Japanese role-playing genre, Persona 5 is a stunning game. However, Persona 5 can be a long, dark hallway of frustration.

Sunset Rangers Giveaway
Welcome to the first ever weekly giveaway! This week, we have a brand new survival game for you to

Sea of Thieves: Still in Alpha, Already Amazing
Sea of Thieves is still in technical alpha and it will be for some time more. However, what the game currently has is absolutely amazing!

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Review
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is the newest addition to the Nintendo mobile catalog. A little game about making the best camp site, but is it worth it?